Eggs Laid by Tigers

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


What our President is made of

The Washington Post urges the reasonableness of paying bonuses to the AIG managers.

There re still 1.6B financial transactions unresolved, and their default(?) would cause further, and perhaps irreparable, damage to the world's economy (except China?
See this Post news article).

Those AIG managers , those particular individuals who drafted financial documents so obscurely written that only hey can read them, created an insurance scheme so convoluted as to collapse the World's financial markets, bringing misery to millions.

And as only they can read the documents, only they  are able to unravel the messes they created and so save the world  from more disaster. (Is China laughing the while?)

They say, "O Well. Sure.  But it'll cost ya," and with a shrug and an insouciant nod, they look you in the eye and dare you to blink.

What power those guys have! What euphoria! What dreams of glory! To have the world at your feet, even temporarily! Not even kings and presidents (save for The Bomb) have such power.

Now I ask you,

••• Shouldn't Struck and White be required for all writers of financial documents?

••• Wouldn't the world be better off if Peter Drucker's little book on the rules of legal drafting were followed by our financial wizards?

Unless, of course, obfuscation is the
point. In which case, the point may port to treason.

O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a
king of infinite space—were it not that I have bad dreams.

Do these guys have bad dreams? Do you hope they have? Do they build up terrible Karma, so as to be reincarnated as a dung beetles? If you wish doom upon them, how's your Karma?  Will an n outraged public, now bound and helpless, eventually wreck terrible vengeance upon these goys? Will they skate as usual?

We'll see now what President Hussein is made of now.

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