Eggs Laid by Tigers

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The Russians are coming! AIG is here!

You may remember -- you should remember -- that the US ambassador to Bolivia was expelled and diplomatic relations between our countries were interrupted when our ambassador walked out of speech given by Bolivia's president, Evo Morales, when Morales explained his dissatisfaction with our support for the secessionist, and white and rich, provinces, his sworn enemies.

We thereupon pulled our DEA drug interdiction helicopters from Bolivia (Eh! Brilliant Move!  How the coke distributors in Bolivia and and around the world must have mourned Bushco's support for them. Those helicopters had been used to interdict the cocaine traffic, particularly to Brazil.

Brazil lent helicopters to Bolivia, temporarily, because the increased flow of cocaine into Brazilian cities was disruptive (I don't know what was disrupted -- perhaps it was a well-established, mutually-beneficial relationship between drug enforcement officials in Brazil and dealers); but the helicopter deal with Brazil was only temporary.

Now Russia has supplied the helicopters that we improvidently withdrew. Russia haas another beachhead in the Americas! Not President Hussein's fault, though the Baddies will try to make it so. It is President Hussein's problem, however, and I hop he come through with generous support for Morales.

Russia into the breach!  Do w like Russian helicopters in Bolivia? Do we expect better of President Hussein? The uS has not reestablished relations with Bolivia but both countries have expressed a willingness to do so.

There is soon to be a Summit of the Americas at which President Hussein will make a major address. Much is expected of him at that time.  Much is usually expected of President Hussein, poor man. Stay tuned.


A confession: I got unnecessarily excited about the small (in comparison) bonuses that AIG paid executives. These payments (some number of millions of dollars to each manager) are usual, have been going on for years, are paid to managers of other companies, and in part explain why AIG didn't have enough money to pay defaults on the loans they knew would go belly-up in time. Do I have that right? Poor planning, you might say. Comes the Revolution, you might hope for. . . . .

Oh the foes will rise
With the sleep still in their eyes
And they’ll jerk from their beds and think they’re dreamin’.
But they’ll pinch themselves and squeal
And know that it’s for real,
The hour when the ship comes in.

I first heard that Dylan Thomas song at the foot of the Mendenhal Glacier in Juneau in the mid-60s, with Norlan and Molly Hagen.  I fervently I wished, in my youth and innocence, for he Ship of Revolution to come in!  How reasonable ti seemed that it might, in those long-age heady days.

The ball I threw while playing in the park
Has not yet reechoed the ground.

The other Dylan, Dylan Thomas, sang those words of unending, hopeful, expectant longing to me before I knew the full extent of their poignancy.  I love that song.  I have lived with that feeling some 60 years; "hoping to cease not 'til death."

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest

I'll tell you something about Revolution:  lots of folks are killed; lots more hurt badly.  It is not to be wished for except in extreme need.  Our need is not extreme.  It might get so.  We'll see.

Although it is truly said that "the sleep of reason produced monsters",

what do you suppose reason, awakened, produces??  AIG?

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