Eggs Laid by Tigers

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Cheerleading in Texas

Cheerleaders Gain Ally in Free Speech Fight

We had religious football songs when I was at Austin, back when the World was young.

A song I learned in the Christian Faith and Life Community:

There was a football game in Heaven,
In Gud’s own backyard,
WWithJesus playing quarterback
and Moses splaying guard.
The angels in the background
Let out a might yell
when Jesus scored a touchdown
Against them boys from Hell.
Stay with God
Sty with God
Stay with God stay with God stay with God!

Yay Gold , Yay, Chartreuse,
Common Yahweh
We’s with Youse!

I especially like the short, short skirts on the present Texas cheerleaders, Inspired by Christ Himself [Leviticus 20:10]!

Irony was secretly invented in Texas.

N. Y. Times photo

October 17, 2012
Cheerleaders Gain Ally in Free Speech Fight
AUSTIN, Tex. — Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday lent his support to a group of East Texas cheerleaders who are fighting in court to keep using banners with Bible verses at public school football games.
Last month, school district officials in Kountze, Tex., a town of 2,100 northeast of Houston, prohibited the cheerleaders from displaying the banners at the beginning of games. Fifteen middle school and high school cheerleaders and their parents sued the district, asserting that the ban violated their free speech rights. A state judge then issued a temporary restraining order against enforcing the ban, allowing the cheerleaders to continue using the banners at games.
Mr. Perry was joined at the Capitol here on Wednesday by the attorney general, Greg Abbott, who said the district’s action against the students was improper. He argued that the banners were protected by a state law that requires school districts to treat student expression of religious views in the same manner as secular views. That law, signed by Mr. Perry in 2007, is called the Religious Viewpoint Antidiscrimination Act.
“We’re a nation that’s built on the concept of free expression of ideas,” Mr. Perry said. “We’re also a culture built upon the concept that the original law is God’s law, outlined in the Ten Commandments. If you think about it, the Kountze cheerleaders simply wanted to call a little attention to their faith and to their Lord.”
The governor and attorney general — seated before pictures of a banner reading, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” — made their remarks the day before the two sides were scheduled to appear in court in Kountze. An extension of the restraining order expires Thursday, and the judge who issued it will consider whether to grant a temporary injunction against the ban, which would most likely permit students to use the signs for the rest of the football season. The Lions’ next home game is Friday night.
The support expressed by Mr. Perry and Mr. Abbott illustrated the degree to which the small-town case has become a statewide cause. The cheerleaders’ legal battle against the district has attracted widespread news media attention, stirred conservative Christians to action and inspired rallies, T-shirts and a 48,000-member Facebook page.
The superintendent, Kevin Weldon, said that the lawyers he had consulted advised him to prohibit the signs. The advice was based on a Supreme Court ruling in 2000 in another Texas case, Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe, which established that prayers led by students at high school football games were unconstitutional. Mr. Abbott’s office said that ruling did not apply in the cheerleaders’ case, and it intervened in the lawsuit, in part, to defend the constitutionality of the 2007 state antidiscrimination law.
A lawyer for Mr. Weldon, Thomas P. Brandt, said the superintendent would allow the students to use the banners if the judge said the signs were lawful. “To the extent that politicians want to take positions, they have the right to do that,” Mr. Brandt said. “Whether that’s helpful to resolving the situation, reasonable minds could differ.”
When asked if he and reporters would be here talking about the issue if the phrases were from the Koran or Confucius, Mr. Perry replied: “I don’t know whether you’d be here, I would be. The point is, as I said in my remarks, this is about all religion.”
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Other images of cheerleading, footballers, and football in Texas high schools . . . 

 Footballers and cheerleaders together, emphasizing 

A Texas high school football stadium

Prob'ly take lotta court work to put this fire out; and it'll died down on its own,if ignored.

"They also who only stand and wait":

Members of the Schulenburg High School Band,
not to sound envious or anything. . . .

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